Rooftec Limited is committed to the provision of a safe and healthy environment for all its employees and others, who may work, visit or enter our client's facilities on our company behalf. As a consequence, it is the intention to develop Safety, Health and Environmental programs, which will be in line with legal requirements, and best business practices that govern our industry.

Rooftec Limited will strive for continuous improvement in all performances as regards Safety, Health and protection and preservation of the environment in furtherance of this policy.

Rooftec Limited shall:

Identify potential hazards tha may arise through the activities of Rooftec Limited for the
purpose of assessing the risk arising from these.

Institute effective control measures to minimize the risk so identified.

Implement appropriate measures to prevent accidents, injuries and health impairment of all persons affected by the activities of Rooftec Limited to promote a culture of safety consciousness.

Provide the necessary resourses for implementation and management of its Safety, Health and Environmental System.

Comply fully with statutory and contractual Safety, Health and Environmental requirements.

Ensure that Safety, health and Environmental requirements are communicated, understood and implemented where third party arragements exist.

Provide relevant information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to ensure competence of all mployees.

Integrate Safety and Health resposability into everyday working practices and managerial responsabilities and to continually review, improve and update the policy so that all important and relevant legislation, codes of practice and guidance are taken into account, where appropriate.

Monitor, inspect and conduct Safety audits to ensure effective management of Safety and Halth throughout Rooftec Limited operations.

Provide safe working conditions and equipment to minimize or eliminate incidents.

Ensure safe handing and transportation of harmful substances.

Consult with employees on SHE management and performance.